# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Henniggroup.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, \
Compute the reduced matching lattice vectors for heterostructure
interfaces as described in the paper by Zur and McGill:
Journal of Applied Physics 55, 378 (1984); doi: 10.1063/1.333084
from six.moves import range
import sys
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.core.lattice import Lattice
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
__author__ = "Kiran Mathew, Arunima Singh"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Henniggroup"
__maintainer__ = "Joshua J. Gabriel"
__email__ = "joshgabriel92@gmail.com"
__status__ = "Production"
__date__ = "March 3, 2017"
[docs]def get_trans_matrices(n):
yields a list of 2x2 transformation matrices for the
given supercell
n: size
def factors(n0):
for i in range(1, n0 + 1):
if n0 % i == 0:
yield i
for i in factors(n):
m = n // i
yield [[[i, j], [0, m]] for j in range(m)]
[docs]def get_uv(ab, t_mat):
return u and v, the supercell lattice vectors obtained through the
transformation matrix
u = np.array(ab[0]) * t_mat[0][0] + np.array(ab[1]) * t_mat[0][1]
v = np.array(ab[1]) * t_mat[1][1]
return [u, v]
[docs]def get_reduced_uv(uv, tm):
returns reduced lattice vectors
is_not_reduced = True
u = np.array(uv[0])
v = np.array(uv[1])
tm1 = np.array(tm)
u1 = u.copy()
v1 = v.copy()
while is_not_reduced:
if np.dot(u, v) < 0:
v = -v
tm1[1] = -tm1[1]
if np.linalg.norm(u) > np.linalg.norm(v):
u1 = v.copy()
v1 = u.copy()
tm1c = tm1.copy()
tm1[0], tm1[1] = tm1c[1], tm1c[0]
elif np.linalg.norm(v) > np.linalg.norm(u + v):
v1 = v + u
tm1[1] = tm1[1] + tm1[0]
elif np.linalg.norm(v) > np.linalg.norm(u - v):
v1 = v - u
tm1[1] = tm1[1] - tm1[0]
is_not_reduced = False
u = u1.copy()
v = v1.copy()
return [u, v], tm1
[docs]def reduced_supercell_vectors(ab, n):
returns all possible reduced in-plane lattice vectors and
transition matrices for the given starting unit cell lattice
vectors(ab) and the supercell size n
uv_list = []
tm_list = []
for r_tm in get_trans_matrices(n):
for tm in r_tm:
uv = get_uv(ab, tm)
uv, tm1 = get_reduced_uv(uv, tm)
return uv_list, tm_list
[docs]def get_r_list(area1, area2, max_area, tol=0.02):
returns a list of r1 and r2 values that satisfies:
r1/r2 = area2/area1 with the constraints:
r1 <= Area_max/area1 and r2 <= Area_max/area2
r1 and r2 corresponds to the supercell sizes of the 2 interfaces
that align them
r_list = []
rmax1 = int(max_area / area1)
rmax2 = int(max_area / area2)
print('rmax1, rmax2: {0}, {1}\n'.format(rmax1, rmax2))
for r1 in range(1, rmax1 + 1):
for r2 in range(1, rmax2 + 1):
if abs(float(r1) * area1 - float(r2) * area2) / max_area <= tol:
r_list.append([r1, r2])
return r_list
[docs]def get_mismatch(a, b):
percentage mistmatch between the lattice vectors a and b
a = np.array(a)
b = np.array(b)
return np.linalg.norm(b) / np.linalg.norm(a) - 1
[docs]def get_angle(a, b):
angle between lattice vectors a and b in degrees
a = np.array(a)
b = np.array(b)
return np.arccos(
np.dot(a, b) / np.linalg.norm(a) / np.linalg.norm(b)) * 180 / np.pi
[docs]def get_area(uv):
area of the parallelogram
a = uv[0]
b = uv[1]
return np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a, b))
[docs]def get_matching_lattices(iface1, iface2, max_area=100,
max_mismatch=0.01, max_angle_diff=1,
computes a list of matching reduced lattice vectors that satify
the max_area, max_mismatch and max_anglele_diff criteria
if iface1 is None and iface2 is None:
# test : the numbers from the paper
a1 = 5.653
a2 = 6.481
# for 100 plane
ab1 = [[0, a1 / 2, -a1 / 2], [0, a1 / 2, a1 / 2]]
ab2 = [[0, a2 / 2, -a2 / 2], [0, a2 / 2, a2 / 2]]
area1 = a1 ** 2 / 2
area2 = a2 ** 2 / 2
# for 110 plane
ab1 = [[a1 / 2, -a1 / 2, 0], [0, 0, a1]]
ab2 = [[a2 / 2, -a2 / 2, 0], [0, 0, a2]]
area1 = a1 ** 2 / sqrt(2)
area2 = a2 ** 2 / sqrt(2)
# for 111 surface
# ab1 = [ [a1/2, 0, a1/2], [a1/2, a1/2, 0]]
# ab2 = [ [a2/2, 0, a2/2], [a2/2, a2/2, 0]]
# area1 = a1**2 * sqrt(3)/4 #/ 2 /sqrt(2)
# area2 = a2**2 * sqrt(3)/4 #/ 2 / sqrt(2)
area1 = iface1.surface_area
area2 = iface2.surface_area
# a, b vectors that define the surface
ab1 = [iface1.lattice.matrix[0, :], iface1.lattice.matrix[1, :]]
ab2 = [iface2.lattice.matrix[0, :], iface2.lattice.matrix[1, :]]
print('initial values:\nuv1:\n{0}\nuv2:\n{1}\n '.format(ab1, ab2))
r_list = get_r_list(area1, area2, max_area, tol=r1r2_tol)
if not r_list:
'r_list is empty. Try increasing the max surface area or/and the other tolerance paramaters')
found = []
print('searching ...')
for r1r2 in r_list:
uv1_list, tm1_list = reduced_supercell_vectors(ab1, r1r2[0])
uv2_list, tm2_list = reduced_supercell_vectors(ab2, r1r2[1])
if not uv1_list and not uv2_list:
for i, uv1 in enumerate(uv1_list):
for j, uv2 in enumerate(uv2_list):
u_mismatch = get_mismatch(uv1[0], uv2[0])
v_mismatch = get_mismatch(uv1[1], uv2[1])
angle1 = get_angle(uv1[0], uv1[1])
angle2 = get_angle(uv2[0], uv2[1])
angle_mismatch = abs(angle1 - angle2)
area1 = get_area(uv1)
area2 = get_area(uv2)
if abs(u_mismatch) < max_mismatch and abs(
v_mismatch) < max_mismatch:
max_angle = max(angle1, angle2)
min_angle = min(angle1, angle2)
mod_angle = max_angle % min_angle
is_angle_factor = False
if abs(mod_angle) < 0.001 or abs(
mod_angle - min_angle) < 0.001:
is_angle_factor = True
if angle_mismatch < max_angle_diff or is_angle_factor:
if angle_mismatch > max_angle_diff:
if angle1 > angle2:
uv1[1] = uv1[0] + uv1[1]
tm1_list[i][1] = tm1_list[i][0] + tm1_list[i][
uv2[1] = uv2[0] + uv2[1]
tm2_list[j][1] = tm2_list[j][0] + tm2_list[j][
found.append((uv1, uv2, min(area1, area2), u_mismatch,
v_mismatch, angle_mismatch, tm1_list[i],
if found:
print('\nMATCH FOUND\n')
uv_opt = sorted(found, key=lambda x: x[2])[0]
print('optimum values:\nuv1:\n{0}\nuv2:\n{1}\narea:\n{2}\n'.format(
uv_opt[0], uv_opt[1], uv_opt[2]))
print('optimum transition matrices:\ntm1:\n{0}\ntm2:\n{1}\n'.format(
uv_opt[6], uv_opt[7]))
print('u,v & angle mismatches:\n{0}, {1}, {2}\n'.format(uv_opt[3],
return uv_opt[0], uv_opt[1]
print('\n NO MATCH FOUND')
return None, None
[docs]def get_uniq_layercoords(struct, nlayers, top=True):
returns the coordinates of unique sites in the top or bottom
nlayers of the given structure.
struct: input structure
nlayers: number of layers
top: top or bottom layers, default is top layer
numpy array of unique coordinates
coords = np.array([site.coords for site in struct])
z = coords[:, 2]
z = np.around(z, decimals=4)
zu, zuind = np.unique(z, return_index=True)
z_nthlayer = z[zuind[-nlayers]]
zfilter = (z >= z_nthlayer)
if not top:
z_nthlayer = z[zuind[nlayers - 1]]
zfilter = (z <= z_nthlayer)
# site indices in the layers
indices_layers = np.argwhere(zfilter).ravel()
sa = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct)
symm_data = sa.get_symmetry_dataset()
# equivalency mapping for the structure
# i'th site in the struct equivalent to eq_struct[i]'th site
eq_struct = symm_data["equivalent_atoms"]
# equivalency mapping for the layers
eq_layers = eq_struct[indices_layers]
# site indices of unique atoms in the layers
__, ueq_layers_indices = np.unique(eq_layers, return_index=True)
# print(ueq_layers_indices)
indices_uniq = indices_layers[ueq_layers_indices]
# coordinates of the unique atoms in the layers
return coords[indices_uniq]
[docs]def generate_all_configs(mat2d, substrate,
nlayers_2d=2, nlayers_substrate=2,
For the given lattice matched 2D material and substrate structures,
this functions computes all unique sites in the interface layers
and subsequently generates all possible unique 2d/substrate
interfaces and writes the corresponding poscar files
mat2d: Lattice and symmetry-matched 2D material structure
substrate: Lattice and symmetry-matched 2D substrate structure
nlayers_substrate: number of substrate layers
nlayers_2d: number of 2d material layers
seperation: seperation between the substrate and the 2d
TODO: give additional random placement of 2D material on substrate
# immediate exit if no structures
if not (mat2d and substrate):
print("no structures. aborting ...")
# unique site coordinates in the substrate top layers
coords_uniq_sub = get_uniq_layercoords(substrate,
# unique site coordinates in the 2D material bottom layers
coords_uniq_2d = get_uniq_layercoords(mat2d,
substrate_top_z = np.max(np.array([site.coords
for site in substrate])[:, 2])
mat_2d_bottom = np.min(np.array([site.coords
for site in mat2d])[:, 2])
# shift normal to the surface by 'seperation'
surface_normal = substrate.lattice.matrix[2, :]
origin = np.array([0, 0, substrate_top_z])
shift_normal = surface_normal / np.linalg.norm(surface_normal) * seperation
# generate all possible interfaces, one for each combination of
# unique substrate and unique 2d materials site in the layers .i.e
# an interface structure for each parallel shift
# interface = 2D material + substrate
hetero_interfaces = []
for coord_i in coords_uniq_sub:
for coord_j in coords_uniq_2d:
interface = substrate.copy()
shift_parallel = coord_i - coord_j
shift_parallel[2] = 0
shift_net = shift_normal - shift_parallel
for site in mat2d:
new_coords = site.coords
new_coords[2] = site.coords[2] - mat_2d_bottom
new_coords = new_coords + origin + shift_net
interface.append(site.specie, new_coords,
return hetero_interfaces
[docs]def get_aligned_lattices(slab_sub, slab_2d, max_area=200,
max_angle_diff=1, r1r2_tol=0.2):
given the 2 slab structures and the alignment paramters, return
slab structures with lattices that are aligned with respect to each
# get the matching substrate and 2D material lattices
uv_substrate, uv_mat2d = get_matching_lattices(slab_sub, slab_2d,
if not uv_substrate and not uv_mat2d:
print("no matching u and v, trying adjusting the parameters")
substrate = Structure.from_sites(slab_sub)
mat2d = Structure.from_sites(slab_2d)
# map the intial slabs to the newly found matching lattices
substrate_latt = Lattice(np.array(
substrate.lattice.matrix[2, :]
# to avoid numerical issues with find_mapping
mat2d_fake_c = mat2d.lattice.matrix[2, :] / np.linalg.norm(
mat2d.lattice.matrix[2, :]) * 5.0
mat2d_latt = Lattice(np.array(
mat2d_latt_fake = Lattice(np.array(
mat2d.lattice.matrix[0, :],
mat2d.lattice.matrix[1, :],
_, __, scell = substrate.lattice.find_mapping(substrate_latt,
scell[2] = np.array([0, 0, 1])
_, __, scell = mat2d_latt_fake.find_mapping(mat2d_latt,
scell[2] = np.array([0, 0, 1])
# modify the substrate lattice so that the 2d material can be
# grafted on top of it
lmap = Lattice(np.array(
substrate.lattice.matrix[0, :],
substrate.lattice.matrix[1, :],
mat2d.lattice.matrix[2, :]
return substrate, mat2d