Source code for mpinterfaces.mat2d.stability.startup

from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals

import os

from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from import Kpoints, Incar

from mpinterfaces import VASP_TWOD_BIN, VDW_KERNEL, QUEUE_SYSTEM
import mpinterfaces.utils as utl

__author__ = "Michael Ashton"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Henniggroup"
__maintainer__ = "Michael Ashton"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__date__ = "March 3, 2017"

    '@class': 'Incar', '@module': '', 'AGGAC': 0.0,
    'EDIFF': 1e-04, 'GGA': 'Bo', 'IBRION': 2, 'ISIF': 3, 'ISMEAR': 1,
    'LAECHG': True, 'LCHARG': True, 'LREAL': 'Auto', 'LUSE_VDW': True,
    'NPAR': 4, 'NSW': 50, 'PARAM1': 0.1833333333, 'PARAM2': 0.22,
    'PREC': 'Accurate', 'ENCUT': 500, 'SIGMA': 0.1, 'LVTOT': True,
    'LVHAR': True, 'ALGO': 'Fast', 'ISPIN': 2

[docs]def relax(dim=2, submit=True, force_overwrite=False): """ Writes input files and (optionally) submits a self-consistent relaxation. Should be run before pretty much anything else, in order to get the right energy and structure of the material. Args: dim (int): 2 for relaxing a 2D material, 3 for a 3D material. submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the job. force_overwrite (bool): Whether or not to overwrite files if an already converged vasprun.xml exists in the directory. """ if force_overwrite or not utl.is_converged(os.getcwd()): directory = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] # vdw_kernel.bindat file required for VDW calculations. if VDW_KERNEL: os.system('cp {} .'.format(VDW_KERNEL)) # KPOINTS Kpoints.automatic_density(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 1000).write_file('KPOINTS') # INCAR INCAR_DICT.update( {'MAGMOM': utl.get_magmom_string(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'))} ) Incar.from_dict(INCAR_DICT).write_file('INCAR') # POTCAR utl.write_potcar() # Special tasks only performed for 2D materials. if dim == 2: # Ensure 20A interlayer vacuum utl.ensure_vacuum(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 20) # Remove all z k-points. kpts_lines = open('KPOINTS').readlines() with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as kpts: for line in kpts_lines[:3]: kpts.write(line) kpts.write(kpts_lines[3].split()[0] + ' ' + kpts_lines[3].split()[1] + ' 1') # Submission script if QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'pbs': utl.write_pbs_runjob(directory, 1, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', VASP_TWOD_BIN) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'slurm': utl.write_slurm_runjob(directory, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', VASP_TWOD_BIN) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command)