Source code for mpinterfaces.calibrate

# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Henniggroup.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, \

Calibration module:

This module contains the classes for
1. Calibrate: Base class for specifying the parameters for
calibration and setting up the VASP jobs in directory
structure according to
2. CalibrateBulk: calibrating a periodic bulk structure,
3. CalibrateSlab: creates a slab of given crystallographic facet,
thickness and vacuum spacing,
3. CalibrateMolecule: creates a molecule in a box
4. CalibrateInterface: calibrates an interface composed of slab plus

The attribute turn_knobs controls the parameters to be calibrated
for a given structure


from six.moves import range

import sys
import os
import re
import datetime
from itertools import product
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from pymatgen import Lattice
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.core.surface import SlabGenerator
from import Incar, Poscar
from import Potcar, Kpoints
from import Outcar, Vasprun
from pymatgen.symmetry.bandstructure import HighSymmKpath

from custodian.custodian import Custodian

from monty.json import MSONable, MontyEncoder
from monty.serialization import dumpfn

from mpinterfaces.instrument import MPINTVaspInputSet, MPINTVaspJob
from mpinterfaces.interface import Interface, Ligand
from mpinterfaces.utils import get_ase_slab, get_magmom_string, get_magmom_afm, \
    get_magmom_mae, print_exception
from mpinterfaces.mat2d.electronic_structure import get_2D_hse_kpoints,\
    get_2D_incar_hse_prep, get_2D_incar_hse
from mpinterfaces.default_logger import get_default_logger

__author__ = "Kiran Mathew, Joshua J. Gabriel"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Henniggroup"
__maintainer__ = "Joshua J. Gabriel"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__date__ = "March 3, 2017"

logger = get_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Calibrate(MSONable): """ The base class for creating vasp work flows for calibrating the input parameters for different systems A wrapper around Custodian """ LOG_FILE = "calibrate.json" def __init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=None, is_matrix=False, Grid_type='A', parent_job_dir='.', job_dir='Job', qadapter=None, job_cmd='qsub', wait=True, mappings_override=None, functional="PBE", database=None, magnetism=None, mag_init=None, reuse=None, reuse_override=None, reuse_incar=None, solvation=None, turn_knobs=OrderedDict([('ENCUT', []), ('KPOINTS', [])]), checkpoint_file=None, cal_logger=None): """ Calibrate constructor Args: incar (Incar object): input INCAR poscar (Poscar object): input POSCAR potcar (Potcar object): input POTCAR kpoints (Kpoints object): input KPOINTS system: system info as a dictionary, slab or interface example: system={'hkl':[1,1,1], 'ligand':None}, is_matrix (bool): whether the jobs are dependent on each other Grid_type (str): kpoints grid_type parent_job_dir (str): the directory from which all the jobs are launched job_dir (str): job directory created for each job in the parent_job_dir qadapter (?): adapter for the batch system job_cmd (str): command to be used for submitting the job. If qadapter is specified then job_cmd is ignored wait (bool): whther to wait for the job to finish. If the job is being submitted to the queue then there is no need for waiting turn_knobs (dict): an ordered dictionary of parmaters and the corresponding values mappings_override (dict): override symbol mapping in potcar eg:- {'S':'S_sv'} functional (str): exchange-correlation functional database (str): A work in progress, will be a database_name.yaml file for defaults specific to a database workflow that will have defaults for INCAR: cutoff, convergence for relaxation and continuation jobs KPOINTS: for relaxation, band structure jobs POTCAR: database specific For now defaults to None, if set to 'twod' activates twod set of directives reuse (list or bool): list of filenames for reuse Eg: ['CHGCAR', 'WAVECAR'] 'CONTCAR' is copied by default and if found empty warning is issued. Use the following flag for override only if you know what you are doing 'True' for just copying the CONTCAR file reuse_override (bool): whether to override the missing CONTCAR for a reuse calc magnetism (str): specifies magnetism calculation to be used implemented are 'AntiFerroMagnetism' and 'Magntic Anisotropy Energy' solvation (bool): whether to activate a solvation job, sets LSOL=True for now Calibrate jobs represent the engine configuration of mpinterfaces, where the fuel (input file sources) and driving method (kind of calculation) are decided . The Engine itself is which creates the input set configured in Calibrate. Current fueling methods: 1. simplest test case involving a single job: - specify the incar, kpoints, poscar, potcar (aka the VASP 4) explicitly as pymatgen objects - turn_knobs = {} , is_matrix = False 2. test case for calibration of parameters: - specify an initial configuration for the VASP 4 - specify parameters to calibrate via turn_knobs, set is_matrix = True only if number of parameters > 1 3. Database production case: (possibly most used) - specify initial configuration for the VASP 4 based on a database.yaml - specify an input.yaml that details the workflow Note: input structure if needed will be obtained from the provided poscar object """ = self.system = system self.parent_job_dir = os.path.abspath(parent_job_dir) self.job_dir = job_dir self.incar = incar self.poscar = poscar self.potcar = potcar if poscar: self.potcar = Potcar(symbols=poscar.site_symbols, functional=functional) self.kpoints = kpoints if incar: self.incar_orig = incar.as_dict() if poscar: self.poscar_orig = poscar.as_dict() if self.potcar: self.potcar_orig = self.potcar.as_dict() if kpoints: self.kpoints_orig = kpoints.as_dict() self.qadapter = qadapter self.job_dir_list = [] = [] self.job_ids = [] self.handlers = [] self.job_cmd = job_cmd self.n_atoms = 0 self.turn_knobs = turn_knobs self.response_to_knobs = {} self.sorted_response_to_knobs = {} for k, v in turn_knobs.items(): self.response_to_knobs[k] = {} self.sorted_response_to_knobs[k] = {} self.is_matrix = is_matrix self.Grid_type = Grid_type self.wait = wait self.cal_log = [] self.mappings_override = mappings_override self.database = database self.magnetism = magnetism self.mag_init = mag_init self.solvation = solvation self.reuse = reuse self.reuse_incar = reuse_incar self.reuse_override = reuse_override self.reuse_paths = None # list object communicated to instrument self.functional = functional self.checkpoint_file = checkpoint_file if cal_logger: self.logger = cal_logger else: self.logger = logger
[docs] def setup(self): """ set up the jobs for the given turn_knobs dict is_matrix = True implies that the params in the dict are interrelated. Otherwise calcs corresponding to each dict key is independent """ if self.is_matrix: self.setup_matrix_job() else: self._setup()
def _setup(self, turn_knobs=None): """ invoke the set up methods corresponding to the dict keys any key other than KPOINTS, VOLUME and POTCAR are treated as INCAR parameters Args: turn_knobs: knobs aka paramters to be tuned Note: poscar jobs setup through the VOLUME is only for backward compatibility, use POSCAR key in the turn_knobs to tune poscars """ if turn_knobs is None: turn_knobs = self.turn_knobs if any(turn_knobs.values()): for k, v in turn_knobs.items(): if k == 'KPOINTS' and v: self.setup_kpoints_jobs(kpoints_list=v) elif k == 'VOLUME' and v: self.setup_poscar_jobs(scale_list=v) elif k == 'POTCAR' and v: self.setup_potcar_jobs(mappings=v, functional_list=None) elif k == 'POTCAR_functional' and v: self.setup_potcar_jobs(mappings=None, functional_list=v) elif k == 'POSCAR' and v: self.setup_poscar_jobs(poscar_list=v) else: self.setup_incar_jobs(k, v) else: self.logger.warn('knobs not set, running a single job') self.add_job(name='single_job', job_dir=self.job_dir)
[docs] def setup_matrix_job(self): """ set up jobs where the dict keys are interrelated mind: its an ordered dict, the order in which the keys are specified determines the nested directory structure """ orig_job_dir = self.job_dir job_dir = self.job_dir n_items = len(list(self.turn_knobs.items())) keys = list(self.turn_knobs.keys()) self._setup(turn_knobs=dict([(keys[0], self.turn_knobs[keys[0]])])) self.recursive_jobs(n_items, keys, 0) # restore self.job_dir = orig_job_dir
[docs] def recursive_jobs(self, n, keys, i): """ recursively setup the jobs: used by setup_matrix_job Args: n: total number of knobs aka parameters to be tuned keys: list of knobs i.e parameter names i: ith knob """ #### Testing #### # Orig # job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep + self.key_to_name(keys[i]) job_dir = '__'.join( [self.job_dir.split('/')[-1], self.key_to_name(keys[i])]) #### Testing #### if i == n - 1 and i != 0: for val in self.turn_knobs[keys[i]]: ## ## self.job_dir = job_dir + os.sep + self.val_to_name(val) self.job_dir = '__'.join([job_dir, self.val_to_name(val)]) 'setting jobs in the directory: ' + self.job_dir) self._setup(turn_knobs=dict([(keys[i], [val])])) self.add_job(name=job_dir, job_dir=self.job_dir) else: for val in self.turn_knobs[keys[i]]: ## ## self.job_dir = job_dir + os.sep + self.val_to_name(val) self.job_dir = '__'.join([job_dir, self.val_to_name(val)]) 'setting jobs in the directory: ' + self.job_dir) self._setup(turn_knobs=dict([(keys[i], [val])])) self.recursive_jobs(n, keys, i + 1)
[docs] def key_to_name(self, key): """ convenient string mapping for the keys in the turn_knobs dict Args: key: key to the knob dict Returns: an appropriate string representation of the key so that the name doesnt clash with the filenames """ if key == 'KPOINTS': return 'KPTS' elif key == 'POTCAR_map' or key == 'POTCAR_functional': return 'POT' elif key == 'POSCAR': return 'POS' else: return key
[docs] def val_to_name(self, val): """ convert a value to a string so that it can be used for naming the job directory the decimal points in floats are replaced with underscore character if the value is of type list, kpoint_to_name method is used since only kpoint values are expected to be of type list if the values is of type dict then potcar_to_name method is invoked Args: val: knob value to be converted into an appropriate string representation Returns: a string filename for the value """ if isinstance(val, float): return re.sub('\.', '_', str(val)) elif isinstance(val, list): return self.kpoint_to_name(val, 'M') elif isinstance(val, dict): return self.potcar_to_name(mapping=val) elif isinstance(val, Poscar): name = str(val.structure.composition.reduced_formula) \ + '_' + str(int(val.structure.lattice.volume)) \ + '_' + ''.join((val.comment).split()) return name.replace('\\', '_').replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_') else: return str(val)
[docs] def kpoint_to_name(self, kpoint, grid_type): """ get a string representation for the given kpoint Args: kpoint: an iterable grid_type: grid_type used for the KPOINTS Returns: string representation for kpoint eg: Monkhorst Pack 2 2 2 will be named 2x2x2 """ if grid_type == 'M' or grid_type == 'G': kpoint = [str(k).replace('.', '_') for k in kpoint] return 'x'.join(kpoint) else: return str(kpoint)
[docs] def potcar_to_name(self, mapping=None, functional=None): """ convert a symbol mapping and functional to a name that can be used for setting up the potcar jobs Args: mapping: example:- if mapping = {'Pt':'Pt_pv', 'Si':'Si_GW'} then the name will be PBE_Pt_pv_Si_GW with self.functional="PBE" Returns: string """ if mapping: l = [v for k, v in mapping.items()] return '_'.join(l) elif functional: return '_'.join(functional) else: return '_'.join(self.functional)
[docs] def set_incar(self, param, val): """ set the incar paramter, param = val """ self.incar[param] = val
[docs] def set_poscar(self, scale=None, poscar=None): """ perturbs given structure by volume scaling factor or takes user defined variants of Poscar Args: scale : Volume Scaling parameter poscar : Poscar object of user defined structure set the poscar: volume scaled by the scale factor """ if scale is not None: structure = Poscar.from_dict(self.poscar_orig).structure volume = structure.volume structure.scale_lattice(scale * volume) self.poscar = Poscar(structure) elif poscar is not None: self.poscar = poscar
[docs] def set_potcar(self, mapping=None, functional='PBE'): """ set the potcar: symbol to potcar type mapping """ symbols = self.poscar.site_symbols mapped_symbols = [] if mapping: for sym in symbols: mapped_symbols.append(mapping[sym]) elif self.mappings_override: for sym in symbols: if sym in list(self.mappings_override.keys()): mapped_symbols.append(self.mappings_override[sym]) else: mapped_symbols.append(sym) else: mapped_symbols = symbols if functional: func = functional else: func = self.functional self.potcar = Potcar(symbols=mapped_symbols, functional=func)
[docs] def set_kpoints(self, kpoint=None, poscar=None, ibzkpth=None): """ set the kpoint """ # useful to check if a poscar is supplied from setup_poscar_jobs (most often the case) # or this is a single poscar use case if not poscar: poscar = self.poscar # splitting into two if elif branches means fewer if statements to check on # a run # Most general method of setting the k-points for # different grid types # NOTE: requires that at least one k-points value be passed # as a turn - knobs list value # this is not true for values that may be caculated out of # a database # use this part only if this is a non-database run for example # for k-points calibration if not self.database: if self.Grid_type == 'M': self.kpoints = Kpoints.monkhorst_automatic(kpts=kpoint) elif self.Grid_type == 'A': self.kpoints = Kpoints.automatic(subdivisions=kpoint) elif self.Grid_type == 'G': self.kpoints = Kpoints.gamma_automatic(kpts=kpoint) elif self.Grid_type == '3D_vol': self.kpoints = Kpoints.automatic_density_by_vol(structure=poscar.structure, kppvol=kpoint) elif self.Grid_type == 'bulk_bands_pbe': self.kpoints = Kpoints.automatic_linemode(divisions=kpoint, ibz=HighSymmKpath( poscar.structure)) # applicable for database runs # future constructs or settinsg can be activated via a yaml file # database yaml file or better still the input deck from its speification # decides what combination of input calibrate constructor settings to use # one of them being the grid_type tag elif self.database == 'twod': # set of kpoints settings according to the 2D database profile # the actual settings of k-points density # will in future come from any database input file set if self.Grid_type == 'hse_bands_2D_prep': kpoint_dict = Kpoints.automatic_gamma_density(poscar.structure, 200).as_dict() kpoint_dict['kpoints'][0][2] = 1 # remove z kpoints self.kpoints = Kpoints.from_dict(kpoint_dict) elif self.Grid_type == 'hse_bands_2D': # can at most return the path to the correct kpoints file # needs kpoints to be written out in instrument in a different way # not using the Kpoints object self.kpoints = get_2D_hse_kpoints(poscar.structure, ibzkpth) elif self.Grid_type == 'bands_2D': kpoint_dict = Kpoints.automatic_linemode(divisions=20, ibz=HighSymmKpath(poscar.structure)).as_dict() self.kpoints = Kpoints.from_dict(kpoint_dict) elif self.Grid_type == 'relax_2D': # general relaxation settings for 2D kpoint_dict = Kpoints.automatic_gamma_density(poscar.structure, 1000).as_dict() kpoint_dict['kpoints'][0][2] = 1 self.kpoints = Kpoints.from_dict(kpoint_dict) elif self.Grid_type == 'relax_3D': # general relaxation settings for 3D kpoint_dict = Kpoints.automatic_gamma_density( poscar.structure, 1000) self.kpoints = Kpoints.from_dict(kpoint_dict)
[docs] def setup_incar_jobs(self, param, val_list): """ set up incar jobs,, calls set_incar to set the value to param Args: param: Name of INCAR parameter val_list: List of values to vary for the param """ if val_list != ['2D_default']: for val in val_list:'setting INCAR parameter ' + param + ' = ' + str(val)) self.set_incar(param, val) if not self.is_matrix: job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep + \ param + os.sep + self.val_to_name(val) self.add_job(name=job_dir, job_dir=job_dir) else: self.logger.warn('incar list empty')
[docs] def setup_kpoints_jobs(self, kpoints_list=None): """ setup the kpoint jobs """ if kpoints_list: for kpoint in kpoints_list: self.set_kpoints(kpoint) if not self.is_matrix: job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep + self.key_to_name( 'KPOINTS') \ + os.sep + self.kpoint_to_name(kpoint, self.Grid_type) self.add_job(name=job_dir, job_dir=job_dir) else: self.logger.warn('kpoints_list empty')
[docs] def setup_poscar_jobs(self, scale_list=None, poscar_list=None): """ for scaling the latice vectors of the original structure, scale_list is volume scaling factor list """ if scale_list: for scale in scale_list: self.set_poscar(scale=scale) self.set_potcar() if not self.is_matrix: job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep + 'POS' + \ os.sep + 'VOLUME_' + str(scale) self.add_job(name=job_dir, job_dir=job_dir) elif poscar_list: for pos in poscar_list: # if it is a twod_database run or any general standard database run, # the incar, kpoints and potcar follow a standard input set # which will be activated by the twod_database tag set to true # NOTE: this implementation means that the first turn_knobs tag # needs to be the poscar objects list # the database tag will be set to the name of the yaml file with the # standard input deck definition for that database # this incar dict provided as the init can be general format # based on the chosen functional, cutoff # so self.incar is a vdW incar for re-relaxation in vdW, gga for every # other calculation or LDA+U for LSDA+U calculations incar_dict = self.incar.as_dict() if self.reuse: # if this is a true list minimally, ['CONTCAR'] # it is to be ensured that the poscar list is a # list of paths as opposed to list of poscar objects by the turn knobs # values # Here pos is the path and r in each self.reuse is the name of the file(s) # to be reused # in a reuse calculation the following are possible: # update incar (Solvation calculations) or reset incar (HSE calculations) # reset kpoints file with IBZKPT # copy a CHGCAR or WAVECAR or both perhaps try: # first setup of POSCAR initial, INCAR, KPOINTS poscar = Poscar.from_file(pos + os.sep + 'CONTCAR')'Read previous relaxed CONTCAR file from {}'. format(pos)) # check if it is KPOINTS altering job like HSE if self.Grid_type == 'hse_bands_2D_prep': print ('passed grid type if') # HSE prep calcualtions # reset the INCAR file with a magmom only if exists try: incar_dict = { 'MAGMOM': get_magmom_string(poscar)} except: incar_dict = {} incar_dict = get_2D_incar_hse_prep(incar_dict) print ('passed incar_dict update') self.set_kpoints(poscar=poscar) 'updated input set for HSE 2D prep calcaultion') elif self.Grid_type == 'hse_bands_2D': # HSE calculation # reset the incar and kpoints file builds # on the preceding calculations (prep calculation) # IBZKPT try: incar_dict = { 'MAGMOM': get_magmom_string(poscar)} except: incar_dict = {} incar_dict = get_2D_incar_hse(incar_dict) self.set_kpoints(poscar=poscar, ibzkpth=pos + os.sep + 'IBZKPT')'updated input set for HSE calcaultion\ using IBZKPT from {0}'.format(pos + os.sep + 'IBZKPT')) elif self.Grid_type == 'hse_bands': # general HSE bands pass else: # use the same kpoints file and build from the old # incar self.kpoints = Kpoints.from_file( pos + os.sep + 'KPOINTS') # decide on how to use incar, use same one or # update or afresh if self.reuse_incar == 'old': incar_dict = Incar.from_file( pos + os.sep + 'INCAR').as_dict() elif self.reuse_incar == 'update': # way to go for cutoff updates, convergence, etc. # but retain the old functional incar_dict.update(Incar.from_file(pos + os.sep + 'INCAR'). as_dict()) else: # use a fresh incar as specified by the init # way to go for example for LDAU or other # major removals done to INCAR # but always retain the MAGMOM if present old_incar_dict = Incar.from_file( pos + os.sep + 'INCAR').as_dict() if 'MAGMOM' in old_incar_dict.keys(): incar_dict['MAGMOM'] = old_incar_dict[ 'MAGMOM'] else: incar_dict = incar_dict if isinstance(self.reuse, list): reuse_paths = [ pos + os.sep + r for r in self.reuse] self.reuse_paths = reuse_paths # Magnetism use cases, updates to be made to the INCAR (MAE) # and poscar (AFM) # MAE and AFM if self.magnetism == 'MAE': # remove vdW tags for MAE calculations vdW_tags = ('GGA', 'AGGAC', 'LUSE_VDW', 'PARAM1', 'PARAM2') for key in vdW_tags: if key in incar_dict: del incar_dict[key] 'updating input set for MAE calculation') self.mag_init = Outcar( pos + os.sep + 'OUTCAR').total_mag nbands = 2 * \ Vasprun(pos + os.sep + 'vasprun.xml').parameters['NBANDS'] # u_value = Vasprun(pos+os.sep+'vasprun.xml').incar['LDAUU'] # u_value = 4.0 "updating mag mom with value {0}".format(self.mag_init)) "updating NBANDS with {0}".format(nbands)) incar_dict.update({'NBANDS': nbands, 'LSORBIT': True, 'EDIFF': 1e-08, 'ICHARG': 11, 'LMAXMIX': 4, 'LCHARG': False, 'ISYM': 0, 'NSW': 0, 'ISPIN': 2, 'IBRION': -1, 'LORBIT': 11, 'MAGMOM': get_magmom_mae(poscar, self.mag_init) }) # incar_dict.update({'LDAUU': u_value}) elif self.magnetism == 'AFM': 'updating INCAR and POSCAR for AFM calculation') afm, poscar = get_magmom_afm(poscar, self.database) incar_dict.update({'MAGMOM': afm}) except: # check what to do if the previous calculation being reused is not # actuall done .. system exit or adopt a user override # with POSCAR print (print_exception()) self.logger.warn( 'Empty relaxed CONTCAR file .. Probably job not done') if not self.reuse_override: self.logger.warn( 'You can set reuse_override to continue with POSCAR file, exiting now ..') sys.exit(0) else:'Using old Poscar for rerun') poscar = Poscar.from_file(pos + os.sep + 'POSCAR') # case for non - reuse else: poscar = pos # temporary: magnetism only set if twod flag is activated if self.database == 'twod': incar_dict.update( {'MAGMOM': get_magmom_string(poscar)}) self.set_kpoints(poscar=poscar) self.incar = Incar.from_dict(incar_dict) self.set_poscar(poscar=poscar) self.set_potcar() if not self.is_matrix: job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep + 'POS' + \ os.sep + self.val_to_name(poscar) self.add_job(name=job_dir, job_dir=job_dir)
[docs] def setup_potcar_jobs(self, mappings, functional_list): """ take a list of symbol mappings and setup the potcar jobs """ if functional_list: for func in functional_list: self.set_potcar(functional=func) if not self.is_matrix: job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep \ + self.key_to_name('POTCAR') \ + os.sep + self.potcar_to_name(func) self.add_job(name=job_dir, job_dir=job_dir) elif mappings: for mapping in mappings: self.set_potcar(mapping) if not self.is_matrix: job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep \ + self.key_to_name('POTCAR') \ + os.sep + self.potcar_to_name(mapping) self.add_job(name=job_dir, job_dir=job_dir)
[docs] def add_job(self, name='noname', job_dir='.'): """ add a single job using the current incar, poscar, potcar and kpoints """ vis = MPINTVaspInputSet(name, self.incar, self.poscar, self.potcar, self.kpoints, self.qadapter, vis_logger=self.logger, reuse_path=self.reuse_paths) # the job command can be overrridden in the run method job = MPINTVaspJob(self.job_cmd, name=name, final=True, parent_job_dir=self.parent_job_dir, job_dir=job_dir, vis=vis, wait=self.wait, vjob_logger=self.logger) self.job_dir_list.append(os.path.abspath(job_dir))
[docs] def run(self, job_cmd=None): """ run the vasp jobs through custodian if the job list is empty, run a single job with the initial input set """ for j in if job_cmd is not None: j.job_cmd = job_cmd else: j.job_cmd = self.job_cmd c_params = {'jobs': [j.as_dict() for j in], 'handlers': [h.as_dict() for h in self.handlers], 'max_errors': 5} c = Custodian(self.handlers,, max_errors=5) for j in self.cal_log.append({"job": j.as_dict(), 'job_id': j.job_id, "corrections": [], 'final_energy': None}) self.job_ids.append(j.job_id) if self.checkpoint_file: dumpfn(self.cal_log, self.checkpoint_file, cls=MontyEncoder, indent=4) else: dumpfn(self.cal_log, Calibrate.LOG_FILE, cls=MontyEncoder, indent=4)
[docs] def as_dict(self): qadapter = None system = None if self.qadapter: qadapter = self.qadapter.to_dict() if self.system is not None: system = self.system d = dict(incar=self.incar.as_dict(), poscar=self.poscar.as_dict(), potcar=self.potcar.as_dict(), kpoints=self.kpoints.as_dict(), system=system, is_matrix=self.is_matrix, Grid_type=self.Grid_type, parent_job_dir=self.parent_job_dir, job_dir=self.job_dir, qadapter=qadapter, job_cmd=self.job_cmd, wait=self.wait, turn_knobs=self.turn_knobs, job_dir_list=self.job_dir_list, job_ids=self.job_ids) d["@module"] = self.__class__.__module__ d["@class"] = self.__class__.__name__ # d['calibrate'] = self.__class__.__name__ return d
[docs] def from_dict(cls, d): incar = Incar.from_dict(d["incar"]) poscar = Poscar.from_dict(d["poscar"]) potcar = Potcar.from_dict(d["potcar"]) kpoints = Kpoints.from_dict(d["kpoints"]) cal = Calibrate(incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=d["system"], is_matrix=d["is_matrix"], Grid_type=d["Grid_type"], parent_job_dir=d["parent_job_dir"], job_dir=d["job_dir"], qadapter=d.get("qadapter"), job_cmd=d["job_cmd"], wait=d["wait"], turn_knobs=d["turn_knobs"]) cal.job_dir_list = d["job_dir_list"] cal.job_ids = d["job_ids"] return cal
[docs]class CalibrateMolecule(Calibrate): """ Calibrate paramters for Molecule calculations """ def __init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=None, is_matrix=False, Grid_type='A', parent_job_dir='.', job_dir='./Molecule', qadapter=None, job_cmd='qsub', wait=True, mappings_override=None, functional="PBE", turn_knobs={'ENCUT': [], 'KPOINTS': []}, checkpoint_file=None, cal_logger=None): Calibrate.__init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=system, is_matrix=is_matrix, Grid_type=Grid_type, parent_job_dir=parent_job_dir, job_dir=job_dir, qadapter=qadapter, job_cmd=job_cmd, wait=wait, mappings_override=mappings_override, functional=functional, turn_knobs=turn_knobs, checkpoint_file=checkpoint_file, cal_logger=cal_logger)
[docs] def setup_kpoints_jobs(self, Grid_type='M', kpoints_list=None, conv_step=1): self.logger.warn("Its a molecule ! no need for kpoint convergence") self.kpoints = Kpoints.monkhorst_automatic(kpts=[1, 1, 1]) return
[docs]class CalibrateBulk(Calibrate): """ Calibrate parameters for Bulk calculations """ def __init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=None, is_matrix=False, Grid_type='A', parent_job_dir='.', job_dir='./Bulk', qadapter=None, job_cmd='qsub', wait=True, mappings_override=None, functional="PBE", turn_knobs={'ENCUT': [], 'KPOINTS': []}, checkpoint_file=None, cal_logger=None): Calibrate.__init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=system, is_matrix=is_matrix, Grid_type=Grid_type, parent_job_dir=parent_job_dir, job_dir=job_dir, qadapter=qadapter, job_cmd=job_cmd, wait=wait, mappings_override=mappings_override, functional=functional, turn_knobs=OrderedDict(turn_knobs), checkpoint_file=checkpoint_file, cal_logger=cal_logger)
[docs]class CalibrateSlab(Calibrate): """ Calibrate paramters for Slab calculations """ def __init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=None, is_matrix=False, Grid_type='A', parent_job_dir='.', job_dir='./Slab', qadapter=None, job_cmd='qsub', wait=True, mappings_override=None, functional="PBE", turn_knobs={'VACUUM': [], 'THICKNESS': []}, from_ase=False, checkpoint_file=None, cal_logger=None): self.from_ase = from_ase self.is_matrix = is_matrix self.system = system self.input_structure = poscar.structure.copy() self.slab_setup(turn_knobs=turn_knobs) Calibrate.__init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=system, is_matrix=is_matrix, Grid_type=Grid_type, parent_job_dir=parent_job_dir, job_dir=job_dir, qadapter=qadapter, job_cmd=job_cmd, wait=wait, mappings_override=mappings_override, functional=functional, turn_knobs=turn_knobs, checkpoint_file=checkpoint_file, cal_logger=cal_logger)
[docs] def slab_setup(self, turn_knobs=None): """ invoke the set up methods corresponding to the dict keys: VACUUM and THICKNESS sets the POSCAR key in the turn_knobs """ if turn_knobs is None: turn_knobs = self.turn_knobs if any(turn_knobs.values()): keys = ['VACUUM', 'THICKNESS'] poscar_list = [] if self.is_matrix: prod_list = [turn_knobs[k] for k in keys] for params in product(*tuple(prod_list)): poscar_list.append(self.create_slab(*params)) else: for k, v in turn_knobs.items(): if k == 'VACUUM' and v: poscar_list += self.setup_vacuum_jobs(v) elif k == 'THICKNESS' and v: poscar_list += self.setup_thickness_jobs(v) for k in keys: if turn_knobs.get(k): del turn_knobs[k] turn_knobs['POSCAR'] = poscar_list
[docs] def setup_vacuum_jobs(self, vacuum_list): """ create slabs with the provided vacuum settings returns list of poscars """ return [self.create_slab(vacuum=val) for val in vacuum_list]
[docs] def setup_thickness_jobs(self, thickness_list): """ create slabs with the provided thickness settings returns list of poscars """ return [self.create_slab(thickness=val) for val in thickness_list]
[docs] def create_slab(self, vacuum=12, thickness=10): """ set the vacuum spacing, slab thickness and call sd_flags for top 2 layers returns the poscar corresponding to the modified structure """ strt_structure = self.input_structure.copy() if self.from_ase: slab_struct = get_ase_slab(strt_structure, hkl=self.system['hkl'], min_thick=thickness, min_vac=vacuum) else: slab_struct = SlabGenerator(initial_structure=strt_structure, miller_index=self.system['hkl'], min_slab_size=thickness, min_vacuum_size=vacuum, lll_reduce=False, center_slab=True, primitive=False).get_slab() slab_struct.sort() sd = self.set_sd_flags(slab_struct) comment = 'VAC' + str(vacuum) + 'THICK' + str(thickness) return Poscar(slab_struct, comment=comment, selective_dynamics=sd)
[docs] def set_sd_flags(interface=None, n_layers=2, top=True, bottom=True): """ set the relaxation flags for top and bottom layers of interface. The upper and lower bounds of the z coordinate are determined based on the slab. All layers above and below the bounds will be relaxed. This means if there is a ligand on top of the slab, all of its atoms will also be relaxed. """ sd_flags = np.zeros_like(interface.frac_coords) if isinstance(interface, Interface): slab = interface.slab else: slab = interface z_coords = interface.frac_coords[:, 2] z_coords_slab = slab.frac_coords[:, 2] z_lower_bound = None z_upper_bound = None if bottom: z_lower_bound = np.unique(z_coords_slab)[n_layers - 1] sd_flags[np.where(z_coords <= z_lower_bound)] = np.ones((1, 3)) if top: z_upper_bound = np.unique(z_coords_slab)[-n_layers] sd_flags[np.where(z_coords >= z_upper_bound)] = np.ones((1, 3)) return sd_flags.tolist()
[docs] def set_reconstructed_surface(self, sites_to_add): """ Append sites as needed for reconstruction TODO """ pass
[docs]class CalibrateInterface(CalibrateSlab): """ Calibrate paramters for interface calculations """ def __init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=None, is_matrix=False, Grid_type='A', parent_job_dir='.', job_dir='./Interface', qadapter=None, job_cmd='qsub', wait=True, mappings_override=None, functional="PBE", turn_knobs={'VACUUM': [], 'THICKNESS': []}, from_ase=False, checkpoint_file=None, cal_logger=None): CalibrateSlab.__init__(self, incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=system, is_matrix=is_matrix, Grid_type=Grid_type, parent_job_dir=parent_job_dir, job_dir=job_dir, qadapter=qadapter, job_cmd=job_cmd, wait=wait, mappings_override=mappings_override, functional=functional, turn_knobs=turn_knobs, from_ase=from_ase, checkpoint_file=checkpoint_file, cal_logger=cal_logger) self.interface_setup(turn_knobs=turn_knobs)
[docs] def interface_setup(self, turn_knobs=None): if not self.system.get('ligand'): return else: if turn_knobs is None: turn_knobs = self.turn_knobs if any(turn_knobs.values()): poscar_list = [] poscar_list.append(self.create_interface()) turn_knobs['POSCAR'] = poscar_list
[docs] def create_interface(self): """ add params that you want to vary """ structure = self.input_structure.copy() iface = sorted(Interface(structure, hkl=self.system['hkl'], ligand=Ligand.from_dict( self.system['ligand']), from_ase=self.from_ase)) sd = self.set_sd_flags(iface, n_layers=2) # if there are other paramters that are being varied # change the comment accordingly comment = self.system['hkl'] + self.system['ligand']['name'] return Poscar(iface, comment=comment, selective_dynamics=sd)
if __name__ == '__main__': # STRUCTURE a0 = 3.965 lvec = [[0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.5, 0.5]] lvec = np.array(lvec) * a0 lattice = Lattice(lvec) structure = Structure(lattice, ['Pt'], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], coords_are_cartesian=False) # INITIAL VASP INPUT SET incarparams = {'System': 'test', 'ENCUT': 400, 'ISMEAR': 1, 'SIGMA': 0.1, 'EDIFF': 1E-6} incar = Incar(params=incarparams) poscar = Poscar(structure, comment='test') potcar = Potcar(symbols=poscar.site_symbols, functional='PBE', sym_potcar_map=None) kpoints = Kpoints.monkhorst_automatic(kpts=(16, 16, 16), shift=(0, 0, 0)) # CALIBRATION INPUT system = {'hkl': [1, 1, 1], 'ligand': None} turn_knobs = OrderedDict([ ('SIGMA', [0.025, 0.50]), ('POTCAR', [{'Pt': 'Pt'}, {'Pt': 'Pt_pv'}, {'Pt': 'Pt_GW'}]), ('IBRION', [1, 2, 3]), ('KPOINTS', [k for k in range(20, 40, 10)]), ('ENCUT', list(range(400, 700, 100))), ('VACUUM', [10, 12, 15]), ('THICKNESS', [11]) ]) is_matrix = True job_dir = 'Slab' job_cmd = ['ls', '-lt'] # SETUP AND RUN cal = CalibrateSlab(incar, poscar, potcar, kpoints, system=system, is_matrix=is_matrix, job_dir=job_dir, turn_knobs=turn_knobs) cal.setup()